Make Do-IT-Yourself (DIY) Homemade Eye Cream with Amla Powder
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Amla does not only have ayurvedic properties but is also considered as a great skincare ingredient. It is a natural oxidant and has rejuvenating properties. It tends to give a soothing sensation and also remove dark circles. For this remedy, you need to take one tablespoon of amla powder and add some honey to it and blend it well. Apply the paste on the affected areas and leave it on for about 20 minutes and then rinse it off. You can repeat this remedy regularly for best results.
7 Amazing Health Benefits Of Hibiscus
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The beautiful hibiscus flower may remind you of a Hawaiian vacation. But did you know that hibiscus, which is the state flower of Hawaii, is not just meant to be worn as an ornament behind your ear? This plant contains powerful antioxidants and beneficial compounds like anthocyanins, and flavonoids which offer many health benefits. Let’s take a look at the ways in which hibiscus can improve your health.1. Lowers Blood SugarHibiscus tea might be useful if you’re worried about your blood sugar levels. High blood sugar can impact the functioning of your nerves, eyes, and kidneys and increase...
Useful Benefits of Aloe Vera
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Aloe Vera is a species of Aloe which is an ornamental plant,it originates from the Arabian Peninsula but grows wild in tropical climates around the world and is cultivated for agricultural and medicinal uses. The species is also used for decorative purposes and grows successfully indoors as a potted plant. In Cosmetic: -Aloe Vera is only one kind of plant who can be planted anywhere and it has lot of moisture is required time to time for the proper growth. 1)It fights aging.2)Reduces Dandruff3)Promotes Hair Growth 1)It fights Aging. As we age, everyone begins to worry about the appearance of fine...
Super foods to increase your blood platelets
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Platelets form a very crucial part of the human blood. They are mainly responsible for tissue repair, blood clotting and wound healing purposes. These cells are not visible to the naked eye and can be seen only under microscopes. The platelet cells appear to be in the form of small plates in their non-active form. In case of any injury, these platelets bind to the site of the damaged vessel and form a clot at the site of injury to stop further bleeding. Hence it is very important to maintain a normal platelet count. It is very important to...
Amazing Health Benefits Of Hibiscus
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The Indian science of Ayurveda has long valued hibiscus for its many medicinal properties: Ayurveda recommends the application of a paste of hibiscus flowers and Amalaki (Emblica officinale) to prevent the premature graying of hair. Hibiscus buds pounded with milk are also considered to be beneficial for those suffering from gynaecological disorders. Hibiscus tea is recommended as a cooling drink during hot summer days and is also used to treat fever. Hibiscus plant contains powerful antioxidants and beneficial compounds like anthocyanins, and flavonoids which offer many health benefits. Let’s take a look at the ways in which hibiscus can improve...
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- Tags: antioxidants, Diabetes, Hibiscus